Strategy - Roulette and Hold'em

When playing the various games that can be contested in the online casino environment, a player can find himself or herself employing various strategies to win. The truth of the matter is that there are certain games for which a planned strategy is going to help the player achieve better results, and some that won't.

We'd probably have to say that roulette fits the latter category. Remember that this is a game that is governed along the lines of the "independent trial," in that what happens on any spin of the wheel has absolutely no effect on what is going to happen on any subsequent spins. Thus there are no real "patterns" that a player can track, and no playing system, per se, that will have an effect on cutting down the edge that the house inherently has.

And that is a key thing to point out; when you are playing a game of roulette you are playing against the house. So that reduces the chance of victory right there. For just about every bet that can be made at a roulette table, the house's edge is 5.26%. It really doesn't matter which bets you make; this stays constant. You can try any of the betting strategies, if you like, free of any risk with Grizzly Gambling roulette games in the "free games" section.

In a game of Hold'em, by contrast, the odds are always going to be dynamic, for a couple of different reasons. One of them is that you are not playing against the house, but instead competing against the other players. So the general standard is that if you are the best player at the table, you are going to win most of the time. Also, with every card that is played and/or revealed, the game changes, at least to a certain extent, because that also reveals something about the remaining cards, which skilled players always consider. In other words, it couldn't be any further from an "independent trials" situation.

Most if the people who believe they can gain an edge in roulette are going to use a betting strategy, and more likely than not, it is going to take the shape of a "Martingale," in which the player would double the bet after losing a spin, and continue to do so until he or she wins, counting on the fact that the losing streak won't be that long. Of course, the inherent problem with all of this is that there is a genuine risk of exceeding the table limit, at which time the system is not only useless, but also a borderline disaster.

When playing Hold'em it is a whole different situation, because the betting and playing decisions would completely depend on the situation. And naturally, a lot of that is tied into what your opponents are doping as well. There is also the added angle of bluffing on the part of both you and your opponents. This means that you don't have to have the best hand at a table to be a winner. This adds a certain "intangible" to the proceedings, because this is a strategy that is not based on numbers or probabilities, but on the "human" side of things. That doesn't enter into the game of roulette.